ACT Compass Reading Practice Test

The ACT Compass Reading exam is a computer adaptive, untimed college placement examination designed to help educators evaluate skill levels and place high school students in level appropriate college courses. The ACT Compass Reading exam is designed to assess students’ readiness for entry-level college courses. Each domain tested in the ACT Compass Reading exam is multiple choice. There are two separate exams in the Compass Reading program, a placement exam and a diagnostic exam to evaluate specific skill levels.

The ACT Compass Reading Placement exam covers five types of reading comprehension passages:

• Practical Reading
• Prose Fiction
• Humanities
• Social Sciences
• Natural Sciences

Each ACT Compass Reading Diagnostic exam evaluates skills in the areas of:

• Reading Comprehension
• Vocabulary
• Reader Profile

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How many questions are on the ACT Compass Reading Exam, and what is the breakdown?

The ACT Compass Reading Exam is composed of 40 questions divided into the following five categories: prose reading, social sciences, natural sciences, practical reading, and humanities.

How long is the ACT Compass Reading Exam?

Test takers are provided 35 minutes to complete the exam and must achieve a score between 35 and 82, depending on the Community College.

What is the passing score on the ACT Compass Exam?

Test takers must achieve a score between 35 and 82, depending on the Community College that they are applying for.

Why should I take the ACT Compass Exam?

The ACT Compass exam is used as an exam to evaluate student knowledge in certain subjects in order to determine which courses are the best fit for the student.