New Mexico Junior College

NM Legislative Lottery and Opportunity Scholarships

NM Legislative Lottery Scholarship Program

The New Mexico Legislative Lottery Scholarship may pay tuition (up to an undergraduate degree) for students who meet the eligibility criteria listed below. Student’s who qualify for New Mexico Legislative Lottery Scholarship, also qualify for New Mexico Opportunity Scholarship, which pays fees.



How to Apply:

There is no application for the Lottery Scholarship. The financial aid office will apply the scholarship directly to the student's account if eligible. Feel free to contact the office of financial aid to verify your eligibility.

How Much Does it Cover:

The Lottery Scholarship can be used to cover up to 100% of tuition.

What About My First Semester of College:

During a students qualifying semester, a Bridge or Opportunity scholarship will be used to pay your first semester tuition and fee charges.

For More Information:
Please contact the New Mexico Higher Education Department, Financial Aid Division at 1-800-279-9777 or the Office of Financial Aid at NMJC 575-392-5172 or or CLICK HERE!

New Mexico Opportunity Scholarship Program

Students who do not qualify for the Legislative Lottery Scholarship may still qualify for the New Mexico Opportunity Scholarship, which may cover tuition and fees (up to an undergraduate degree) for students who meet the eligibility criteria listed below.


The scholarship is renewed on a per-semester basis subject to maintaining eligibility.

How to Apply:
Student shall contact their public post-secondary educational institution’s financial aid advisor for eligibility verification (no application needed). The Office of Financial Aid will review eligibility at the end of each semester to determine new and continued eligibility for the next semester. Students are welcome to contact the Office of Financial Aid at 575-392-5172 or with any questions regarding their eligibility.

For More Information:
Please contact the New Mexico Higher Education Department, Financial Aid Division at 1-800-279-9777.