Grammar worksheet there is there are answer key


Grammar Quiz
There is / There are
Level: Beginner to Elementary

16 multiple-choice questions; with ANSWER KEY and percentage conversion chart

Time: Approx 15 minutes

Download the PDF file by clicking on the gold
button ​below!


Try the interactive version of the above quiz!


​ ​ ​ EMAIL to your learners!


Grammar Quiz
There is / There are

Level: Beginner to Elementary

Present vs Past

16 multiple-choice questions; with ANSWER KEY and percentage conversion chart

Time: Approx 15 minutes

Download the PDF file by clicking on the gold
button ​below!



Remember to select 'grayscale' in your computer printer settings to save on c o l o r ink!

Board Game
There is / There are

Level: Elementary to Intermediate

36 squares, each with a "How many . are there?" question (speak for at least 1 minute per roll).

Print in b/w; or color for projectors or laminated prints.

Pair work or small groups

Time: Approx 20 minutes

Download the PDF file by clicking on the gold
button ​below!


Find your question by rolling your die twice. The 1st roll determines the number on the top. The 2nd roll determines the number on the left. Talk for one / two minute(s) about that topic. Your classmates will ask you follow-up questions. Your classmates can ask you anything if you land on “Ask Any Question”.


​ ​ Remember to select 'grayscale' in your computer printer settings to save on c o l o r ink!

Grammar Reference Chart ​ There is / There are
Level: Beginner to Elementary

​ How to form statements and questions with 'there is' and 'there are'

Print in b/w; or color for projectors or laminated prints

Download the PDF file by clicking on the gold
button ​below!



Remember to select 'grayscale' in your computer printer settings to save on c o l o r ink!

Grammar Discussion
There is / There are

Level: Beginner to Elementary

Student 'A' version and Student 'B' version, each with 10 different discussion questions.

Time: Approx 20 minutes

Download the PDF file by clicking on the gold
button ​below!



Grammar Discussion Practice
There is / There are
Level: Beginner to Elementary

​ 16 Question strips adapted from the below (bottom of this page) Pair Work activity.

These questions can be used with students seated in pairs or in small groups, or with students standing.

Activity Notes on Page 2

Download the PDF file by clicking on the gold
button ​below!




Grammar Worksheet
There is / There are
Level: Beginner to Elementary

​ Look at the picture and decide if each statement is true or false.

Answer Key on Page 2

Time: Approx 10 minutes

Download the PDF file by clicking on the gold
button ​below!



Grammar Worksheet
There is / There are
Level: Beginner to Elementary

​ Grammar error correction: Find and correct the mistakes. Put a check next to the 7 sentences that are correct.

Answer Key on Page 2

Time: Approx 10 - 15 minutes

Download the PDF file by clicking on the gold
button ​below!



Grammar Worksheet
There is / There are

Level: Beginner to Elementary

12 sentence completion exercises (the first two done as examples) using 'there is / there are' and 'there isn't / there aren't any'; with ANSWER KEY

Time: Approx 15 minutes

Download the PDF file by clicking on the gold
button ​below!



Grammar Information-Gap There is / There are
Level: Beginner to Elementary

2 pages ('A' and 'B') version picture of people and things in a park; with ANSWER KEY and percentage conversion chart

Time: Approx 15 - 20 minutes