Col or ado l im ite d lia bi li ty c o mpa ny ( "Ma nag er" ).
A. Owner is the owner of Condominium Number __________ (the "Condomini um"),
in The Grand Lodge C rested Butte Resort Condominiums (the "Project"), located in Gunnison
County, Colorado.
B. Rights to the use of the Condominium are governed by the cove nants, conditions
and reservations (the “CCRs”) of The G rand Lodge Crested Butt e Resort C ondominium
Association (the “Association”), and by the bylaws, rules, and regulations of the Association as
in effect from time to time (the CCRs and such bylaws, rules, and regulations are referred to
collectively as the “Association Rules”).
C. Ow ner desires that Manager provide rental and other services for the
Condominium, and Man ager is willing to provid e such services to Owner, Own er's guests, and
Condominium Renters (as defined in Section 2 below) under the terms set forth below.
1. Term of Agreement; Termination.
(a) The term of this Agreement shall begin on the date set forth above, and
shall be automatically re newed for succ essive 12 -month periods unless either pa rty terminates
this Agreement in accordance with this Section 1, Section 9, Section 12(a), or Section 14(a).
(b) Either party may terminate this Agreement upon 9 0 days’ written notice to
the other party, but any such termination shall be subject to the obligation of Owner and
Manager to honor any reservations in effec t at the time of such te rmination that are scheduled to
occur within six months from the date the notice of termination is given.
2. Appointment of Manager. Owner appoints Manager as Owner's sole and
exclusive agent to provide rental s ervices for the C ondominium, and Manager accepts such
appointment. Owner authorizes Manager to execute and deliver, on Owner's behalf, oral and
written rental agreements covering th e Condominium upon such terms and to such persons
("Condominium Renters") as Manager, in its reasonable discretion, accepts, and to demand,
receive, and collect all payments under such rental agreements.
3. Manager’s Services . Manager (at its own expense, except as provided in
Section 3(e)) shall provide the following services, any or all of which services M anager may
subcontract and delegate to others (including without limitation to affiliates of the Manager or to
Crested Butte, LLC or any other third party selected by Manager):